Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cheap gi?

Fuji is solid. Keep an eye on CL, I live in Austin as well and usually there is a gi online for a good price--watch for a while and you'll see one your size. (I've gotten two fuji's this way: one brand new for $70, another used 3 times and accidentally shrunk to exactly my size for $30).

Buuut if you need one NOW, look up "Your Jiu Jitsu Gear" on Amazon. I've been very impressed by these seemingly 'cheap' gis. Plenty of the cheap no-name gis are bullshit, but this one seems to be different. Recommended to me by a brown belt at my gym, has been good to him too. Feels light, but didn't shrink as much as the fuji's did, even when hotwashed/dried... A Fuji A3 fits me when shrunk down, but in this brand and A2 is perfect and seemed perfect out of the box and after wash/dry.

Consistently $69, free shipping if you're a prime user:

(no affiliation, just helping a brother out)

I think Inverted Gear is amazing and underrated in general, though, when you do finally want to splurge. Bells and whistles of the very expensive gis, cost of a normal gi. Amazing customer service experiences.


And yes, much of the cost is just brand name and recognition, above $150. Up to $150~, quality actually does improve per cost, roughly.

Btw, if you can find the MMA Core gi, it's usually a sweet deal at a great price...

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